Railcar Fine Goods

The quick way of doing things cheapens the final product while the slower do-it-right-the-first-time attitude uses time’s stubborn wear and tear as a confidant. Railcar Fine Goods founder Steven Dang discovered early on that the only way to ensure the highest quality standards was by doing everything in-house, and the results of this dedication are the harmony between style and function. Their attention to detail and construction means a slower-paced manufacturing - using time-honored techniques on vintage machines. Their clothing and leather goods are an invitation to experience pride in craftsmanship with cultural relevance. Made with integrity in Monrovia, California.

Read more about Railcar in our Back-Story, Railcar's New Proprietary Denim

The quick way of doing things cheapens the final product while the slower do-it-right-the-first-time attitude uses time’s stubborn wear and tear as a confidant. Railcar Fine Goods founder Steven Dang discovered early on that the only way to ensure the highest quality standards was by doing everything in-house, and the results of this dedication are the harmony between style and function. Their attention to detail and construction means a slower-paced manufacturing - using time-honored techniques on vintage machines. Their clothing and leather goods are an invitation to experience pride in craftsmanship with cultural relevance. Made with integrity in Monrovia, California.

Read more about Railcar in our Back-Story, Railcar's New Proprietary Denim

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