Absent from the care tag sewn into the seam is what detergent, softener, polish, or brush to use. The best way to keep your favorite clothes around is to maintain them and not to destroy their composition and color. The grocery aisle is basically a selection of fragrance preference, but those chemically derived liquids and powders all clean the same way. Filled with phosphates (that hurt the environment), surfactants (suspected to cause cancer), and a wide array of abrasives (that scrub and tear at the fabric fibers), commercial cleaning supplies are a harsh way to wear-out your clothes. The fade and signature of your clothes should be all yours - not the results from the violent shock of caustic chemistry. Here’s a selection of care items to keep your clothes looking and smelling better than the day you bought them...
Absent from the care tag sewn into the seam is what detergent, softener, polish, or brush to use. The best way to keep your favorite clothes around is to maintain them ...
Absent from the care tag sewn into the seam is what detergent, softener, polish, or brush to use. The best way to keep your favorite clothes around is to maintain them and not to destroy their composition and color. The grocery aisle is basically a selection of fragrance preference, but those chemically derived liquids and powders all clean the same way. Filled with phosphates (that hurt the environment), surfactants (suspected to cause cancer), and a wide array of abrasives (that scrub and tear at the fabric fibers), commercial cleaning supplies are a harsh way to wear-out your clothes. The fade and signature of your clothes should be all yours - not the results from the violent shock of caustic chemistry. Here’s a selection of care items to keep your clothes looking and smelling better than the day you bought them...
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